Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

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Fil Zaronek
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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by Fil Zaronek »

This a LAFD promo. They think it's good. They're fucking oblivious.
The woke mind virus that the elites are spreading to stupefy and divide us is even more insidious and virulent than their covid virus.

She discusses other ways that the woke mind virus was responsible for this tragedy


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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by DocBrown »

Was reading the California subreddit and according to them, nothing could have been done to prevent the wildfires. Except to exterminate all republicans and take over the world and fix global warming. This is what happens when you fuck family and relatives over and over (read: buy the left wing woke agit-prop, circle the wagons and ingrain it culturally) . You just mutate into weird shit and instead of trying to talk sense into them, you're better off cordoning them off and minimizing contact. When the TX power grid broke in the frozen tundra, the people blamed the governor and blamed ERCOT. And stuff was done. In CA, they are embracing their leadership (mayor and governor) in the face of this calamity. This is what left woke shit brings to your world. Corruption, vessels of hate.
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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by DocBrown »

WSJ: [ellipses to preserve paywall integrity]

California’s Wildfire Climate Excuse
Gov. Newsom tilts at carbon emissions, not fire mitigation.

Look out for “hydroclimate whiplash” coming to a media website near you. That’s the term the climate left is suddenly using to explain the Los Angeles wildfires, or to put it more baldly, to change the subject from the failure of the state and local government to contain the fires that often accompany Santa Ana winds.

The theory is that climate change caused two especially wet winters in California in 2023 and 2024. This led to lush vegetation growth. Perhaps you recall the ebullient stories about the blooming desert and wildflower explosion. But in recent months, the theory goes, climate change has also caused a dry spell that has turned that vegetation into tinder for fires. Ergo, “hydroclimate whiplash.”

So climate change explains wet and dry seasons, which follows the progressive line that climate change is responsible for every natural disaster except for perhaps earthquakes. In today’s climate orthodoxy, bad weather is always man-made.

This ignores that California’s climate has long been variable with dry years following wet ones. The nearby chart from the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment shows precipitation in the state going back 130 or so years. There are wet and dry spells. The last couple of decades have had more dry years, but then so did the 1910s and 1920s when carbon emissions were far less than they are today.

[Chart Omitted]


The last year’s stock market surge is giving California a revenue windfall from capital gains, and the state’s expected budget deficit has vanished. Mr. Newsom has $16.5 billion more to play with than he had anticipated.

Yet his budget for the coming fiscal year cuts the CAL FIRE’s “resource management” program by half from 2023 to $466.5 million. He plans instead to pay for $325 million in spending on wildfire and forest resilience with a $10 billion “climate bond” that voters approved in November. This is intended to free up general fund revenue for other spending.


Despite their fervent belief that climate change will have catastrophic consequences, Democrats in California perennially underinvest in water storage and land management. Then when catastrophic fires, water shortages or floods happen, Democrats blame climate change as if there is nothing they could do about any of it. What the state really needs is a political climate change.


Hopefully this lunacy stays in CA.....the tards are just plain nuts. Many talk about secession. Please do. Americans can replace your economy.
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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by Fil Zaronek »

I liked her before I knew that she is "islamophobic" One has to be ignorant and/or stupid af not to be.
https://www.youtube.com/live/CNYclpbKRl ... gY68YiAOSg


Muslims instigate strife all over the world and play the sympathy card when faced with the consequences and idiots buy it up.
A muslim is literally someone who worships, espouses and submits their life to lunatic ramblings of a sadistic, inbreeding, 7th century, pedophile warlord who is still the role model for a quarter of the world's population. They are victims of stringent, intellectually stifling, islamic brainwashing and hundreds of millions of them are affected by compromised genetics through generations of islamically encouraged inbreeding but it has made them what they are. Compared to people of all other beliefs, one religion spawns by far the least peaceful, least tolerant and most ignorant people and we are more than bad enough without that awful shit.
People who aren't brainwashed by that shit yet defend, support and pander to it enabling its proliferation are so much more contemptible
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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by Fil Zaronek »

Fil Zaronek
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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by Fil Zaronek »

Jim Jordan and James Comer review the charges against the Biden Crime Family on Hannity
https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/17288174 ... er=JohnV96
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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by Fil Zaronek »

"I would describe it as very strange. It's usually the other way around. The business leaders are the ones normally setting the terms here and the political leaders come here on their knees asking for money and investment but here we have President Trump setting the terms this time around"

Fil Zaronek
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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by Fil Zaronek »

Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah’s Apostle (May peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.”
Sahih Muslim Book 8, Hadith Number 3310.
“Also ˹forbidden are˺ married women—except ˹female˺ captives in your possession.1 This is Allah’s commandment to you."

Last edited by Fil Zaronek on Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Politics BS (Keep It In Here)

Post by Fil Zaronek »

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